Karma for Slack Frequently Asked Questions
How to add Karma bot to my team The easiest would be to grab it directly from Slack app store. How to give karma? First, you need to invite @karma to your channel: /invite @karma Now, karma requests from this channel will get processed by @karma. @username ++ for being awesome! This will send a request to the moderators. Need to cancel my account, I wasn't aware it was not free and just signed in via slack? The only way to gePopularAutomated rewards in Karma: gift cards integration
In many countries, Karma bot can facilitate automated incentives via gift cards. The full list of available 300+ rewards (including charities) is available here. The gift cards are available to the following countries: List of the countries and currencies available: United States (USD) Great Britain (GBP) France (EUR)PopularKarma Achievements guide
Why do I need Achievements and how to configure them? Regardless of whether your team has a well-built KPI system or a system of job grades - the Achievements can help you in daily motivation and small incentives for employees. It often happens that approximately the same employees appear in the TOP 10 Karma score, which can demotivate the rest of the team. But you can find a large number of different reasons to highlight all team members (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/websiPopularIs there a free version of Karma for Slack?
In short, yes. Karma has a limited free tier. As soon as you've installed Karma, a free 30-day trial begins for Karma Pro with all premium features available to you. Afterwards, in 30 days from the date of the initial installation, teams get automatically downgraded to free account. You can choose to downgrade manually via Billing Danger Zone Downgrade button. How to downgrade to free account (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/PopularMultiple ways to send good karma
Give a single karma point (+ 1 karma): @user ++. See more... Give two karma points (+ 2 karma): @user +++. See more... Give several karma points (+ N karma) and provide the reason for karma request: @user 5+PopularHow to re-install Karma on Slack?
Sometimes it is helpful to re-install Karma on your Slack workspace. Here is how you can do that. Find @Karma on your Slack and open direct messages; At the top of that view you will find a tab that would look like this: Karma Tab on Slack Click Configuration button to see Karma's page on Slack marketplace: Karma ConfPopularHow to change @Karma bot's name on Slack?
You can rename @Karma bot name to better match it your company branding To change the bot's name, just follow a few simple steps Go to the Karma app page on Slack App Directory; Click on the "Configuration" tab; Scroll down to "Bot User" section; Сlick on the Edit button and change the bot name to YOUR TEAM NAME ; Save changes. Happy Customizing! Change bot's name (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/243e916e9PopularAutomated rewards in Karma for Slack: Purchase process
Gift cards are fully automated. A person is able to pick from the list of 300+ gift cards and get a redemption link via Slack and email. Please make sure the admins have setup such rewards in Settings Rewards, see how to create automated rewards on Karma for Slack. How to redeem a gift card on Karma for SlackSome readersIs there a way to reset the Karma?
is there a way to reset the Karma? Yes! You can reset your data from https://app.karmabot.chat/admin/billing. Select the menu item Billing: Menu items Go to the "Danger Zone": Danger Zone (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/243e916e9fc1a000/screen-shot-2021-02-11-at-0632Some readersDoes karma work in private channels?
Does karma work in private channels? Yes. You'd need to add @karma to a private conversaion/channel for it to start tracking that channel.Some readersIs there a way I can have access to our data on Karma for Slack?
You are able to export all your karma to CSV: Go to Karma Dashboard; Choose All in the date picker; Click Karma Feed tab; Scroll to the bottom of the page; Click Export to CSV link.Some readersHow do I see the karma leaderboard through Slack?
How do I see the karma leaderboard through Slack? To see the leaderboard through Slack, you can run the command /k top on Slack: /k topSome readersKarma Reactions (emoji) not always trigger posting a message
We added a few emojis that give karma. From time to time, we see that when people give karma using these emojis, there is no message in the separate karma channel. However, when I open the dashboard and logs, I see that karma was given. In order to reduce the number of notifications, we were prompted by several clients to only show the first notification. Only the first emoji would generate a card in karma channel, the rest will be counted, but not posted publically. This is an expected bSome readersKarma Connect Onboarding
Automate onboarding with Karma Connect Facilitate onboarding by scheduling individual Karma Connect plan for a new team member. Settings for onboarding In the Connect settings section there is the "Automate onboarding with Karma Connect" section. In this section, it is possible to create the onboarding card in which a userSome readersKarma Connect guide: facilitate your '1-on-1's through Karma
With Karma on Slack you can effortlessly schedule regular 1-on-1 video calls based on karma use. Log into Karma web panel and enable Karma Connect on your Settings page. Karma Connect settings On this page you can setup the matching mechanism: 'Stay in touch' – Connects activeSome readersHow to delete Karma from Slack
Q: You added Karma to Slack and you can't figure out how to get rid of it. A: To remove Karma from Slack, follow these steps: Go to the Danger zone and click the Delete account button: It's important to note that once you delete your account, it cannot be recovered. Please proceed with caution.Some readersI'm trying to add reactions to new emoji's in Slack. They are not present. How do I sync that with Slack again?
I am trying to add reactions to new emoji's in Slack. They are not present. How do I sync that with Slack again? Emoji's are cached locally and updated in 1-2 days. However, you can speed up this process by hard clearing the browser cache, since emoji's are stored locally in the browser storage.Some readersIs it possible for a person to receive direct notification when they receive karma?
Is it possible for a person to receive direct notification when they receive karma? Yes, you can set this in Settings → Notifications:Some readersIn-depth user profiles and categories
In-depth user profiles and categories Karma bot automatically builds user profiles based on the reasons given in karma requests Karma bot uses Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Machine Learning technologies to read, recognize and predict the reasons provided with your karma requests to create a profile for each team member. The metrics we recognize and utilize:Some readersHow do I create a group?
How to create a group on Karma for Slack. Follow these few simple steps to create a group: Select the menu item Groups: Menu items Click on the Create group button: Group list (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/hSome readersI am trying to login into my Karma account, but it keeps logging me into the demo
I am trying to login into my Karma account, but it keeps logging me into the demo. First you need to exit the demo: Press 'Logout' buttonSome readersRegarding GDPR, which data is processed by your service exactly?
Regarding GDPR, which data is processed by your service exactly? Please visit https://slack.com/apps/A22354MPX-karma: Security & ComplianceSome readersHow can I enable karma coins team bonus that splits among the team at the end of the period on Slack?
You can enable Karma bonus in Settings Rewards. Log into you Karma dashboard; Go to Settings; Choose Rewards, enable them if they're disabled; Choose the period: daily, weekly, quarterly, etc.; From there you can choose from 3 types of bonuses that we provide; Set your bonus in karma points. Karma bonus types available Team bonus based on karma share Bonus is shareFew readersIs there any possibility, to hide Karma feed from all users?
Is there any possibility, to hide Karma feed from all users (where all the given karma between people is shown)? On the web, only admins see that. People only see their OWN karma requests in there. People = regular users.Few readersDo owners and moderators receive notifications of redeemed rewards?
In short, yes. As soon as the user redeems the rewards, the owner and moderators receive a DM message from Karma like – @username has just purchased "🛏 Day off for 1₭", please review and mark when fulfilled. Also, in the Rewards settings section there is an option 'Send users fulfillment notifications via email (if availabFew readersRoles
Initially, all channel members receive karma. However, Owners and Admins have the ability to revoke karma from specific employees. To do this, they can simply leave the checkbox empty for the desired users and apply the changes. Admins and Owners possess access to the Roles tab and are capable of implementing changes in line with their designated roles. When you grant users the MoFew readersWhere I can find how many points to give do I have?
Where I can find how many points to give do I have? To find out how many points you can give, you can run the command /k me on Slack: /k me Try this and if you're not a moderator with unlimited points it should tell you the amount of the points you can giveFew readers