Articles on: General

Quick Actions

Interactive buttons

The easiest way to use Karma bot is via Quick Actions interactive buttons. To access the Actions menu type:

or use

<...> icon to turn a message into karma request.

@user karma request

- Press @user karma request button to reward anyone on your team with a single karma point.

- In the popup window select the amount of karma (positive for rewarding, negative for deduction).

- Provide a description (reason for your request).

- Select a person you want to reward.

- Select the channel (project) name.

- Submit your request.

## #channel karma request

- Select #channel karma request button to reward the whole channel for reaching a milestone when in channel. Note: All channel karma requests created during this tour do not affect the billing.

- In the popup window select the amount of karma (positive for rewarding, negative for deduction).

- Provide a description (reason for your request).

- Select the channel (project) name.

- Submit your request.

Use Actions to access your stats, leaderboard or ask us a question right here in Slack (you will get a response from our support team only visible to you).

Updated on: 29/05/2023

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