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Karma for Web | Feed

Feed: A complete guide to boosting engagement and recognition

The Feed page is where team recognition comes to life. This section allows team members to share achievements, give shoutouts, and boost engagement across the organization. It serves as a live activity stream that keeps everyone updated on team efforts and milestones. This article walks you through all the functionalities available on the Feed page, from posting messages to tracking leadership boards.

Navigating the feed page

To access the Feed, log in to your account and click on the Feed tab from the header menu. Here, you'll be presented with a stream of posts where team members recognize each other’s work. From the top of the page, you can create your posts, mention colleagues, and assign values, all while keeping track of engagement statistics like points given and received.

Creating a post

Tagging colleagues
To give recognition, start typing @ followed by your colleague's name to tag them in your post. The auto-suggest dropdown will help you quickly find and select the appropriate names.

Assigning values
Each recognition can be aligned with a core company value. Below the message text box, select a value from the dropdown list to emphasize how the recognition ties into the company’s mission and goals (e.g., "Never give up" or "Get stuff done").

Marking private posts
If your message is meant for a limited audience, check the 'Private' box before posting. This restricts visibility to just the mentioned individuals.

Posting the message
Once your message is ready and you've tagged relevant people and values, click the Send button. Your post will appear in the feed, visible to all who have access, unless marked as private.

Interacting with posts

Liking posts
Team members can engage with posts by clicking the Like button, adding their support and recognition to others’ achievements.

Deleting posts
If you want to delete a post you’ve made, click on the Delete button. A confirmation prompt will appear asking you to verify this action. Deleting a post will adjust the points given and update the leaderboard.

Points and top leaders

The Points you can give panel on the right-hand side shows the current number of points you have available to give for recognition. Each post that acknowledges a colleague's effort uses points, and this number gets updated regularly.

Exporting points
You can export the points history for the last 30 days or for all time by selecting the appropriate option from the dropdown next to the points header.

Tracking top leaders
The leaderboard section shows the Top leaders for the last 30 days, allowing you to see which team members are leading in terms of recognition and engagement. This is a great way to highlight team members who consistently contribute and are recognized by their peers.

The Common topics section allows you to explore the most frequently recognized themes of appreciation within the team. It provides insight into what types of actions or behaviors are most often acknowledged.

Final thoughts

The Feed page is an essential tool for creating a culture of appreciation and engagement within your team. Whether you’re tagging colleagues for a job well done, tracking team leaders, or exploring recognition trends, the Feed page centralizes team activity and makes it easy to stay connected and motivated.

Happy posting and recognizing!

Updated on: 19/09/2024

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